Thursday 29 November 2012

Your Heart Set

Heart problem is also a genetic inheritance.. It is better for us to take care of it as early as problem to avoid being under the knife..

Please take care of your heart.. Think of your love one..


Set Gout

It works...Do try if you have this sickness....

Good luck


Wednesday 28 November 2012

New Discoveries Vitamin C

Vitamin C is rapidly finding new applications in protecting against :-

1. endothelial dysfunction
2. high blood pressure, and
3. the blood vessel changes that precede heart disease

 Additional research is discovering that vitamin C can be helpful in :-
1. preventing asthma
2. protecting against cancer, and
3. supporting healthy blood sugar levels in diabetics

Vitamin C—Breakthroughs in Cardiovascular Health

 For years, scientists have warned us against the dangerous buildup of plaque that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Researchers are investigating the possibilities that vitamin C may play a role in reducing our risk of plaque buildup.

The researchers went on to demonstrate that the same small dose of vitamin C was able to normalize a molecule that white blood cells use to adhere to the endothelium. The findings indicated that through supplementation with vitamin C, scientists were able to regulate how specific genes produce vital proteins, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease at the molecular level. 

Preventing Asthma

It appears that vitamin C plays two important roles in lessening the symptoms of asthma.  The first and foremost is the role C plays in with our immune system.  The bodies production of immune system cells is dependent on vitamin C.  The higher the "challenge", the more our C is used up.  It is important to remember that when exposed to a stress, the vitamin C in our bodies can be used up in a matter of seconds .  This is why it is especially important to take vitamin C in multiple doses throughout the day when we are under stress.
The second role of C is as an antioxidant.  Asthma attacks often occur  when the lungs are under stress from allergens.  These allergens often produce oxidants that weaken the smooth muscle wall of the bronchi.  Vitamin C is the primary antioxidant in the lungs.  This may help squelch the oxidants, prevent them from weakening the lungs and avoid an attack.

Shaklee New upgraded Sustained Release Vit C has become a hit and sold over 200.000 in 2 weeks...

So Grab 1 and call me for delivery..


Monday 26 November 2012

Testimonial GLA

Hii.. Good morning.. Nie testimonial yang akak terima last saturday... Kawan akak nie mengalami masalah period pain yang amat kronik.. since akak kenal dia 19 tahun yang lepas, bila period memang macam orang nak beranak sakit dia..

Alhamdulillah, last week dia datang rumah sebab nak ambik supplement dari akak, so bila sembang2 akak recommend dia ambik GLA untuk tolong period pain dia.. malam tu akak bagi dia VIVIX sesudu dan dia terus telan 2 biji GLA.. Sabtu tu bila tanya dia balik... lega katanye ada perubahan.. dah boleh bangun..lega dengar..

So.. sesiapa yang bermasalah period pain macam artikel yang saya tulis hari tu... ambiklah GLA.. dan kalau boleh ambik sekali VIVIX.... In Shaa Allah....

Take Care


Sunday 25 November 2012

Penuaan / Aging

Apakah Penuaan / What is aging

Penuaan adalah merupakan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dielakkan di mana ia melibatkan kemerosotan fungsi organ dan sistem-sistem tubuh. Tiada seseorangpun yang boleh lari darinya namun proses yang dialami  berbeza antara satu sama lain. Genetik, diet, gaya hidup serta persekitaran, semuannye memainkan peranan dalam proses penuaan seseorang.

Adalah didapati bahawa penuaan merupakan proses selular di mana terdapat kemerosotan fungsi sel secara berperingkat semasa usia meningkat yang membawa kepada perubahan 2 fizikal dan fisiologi.

Senarai perubahab fizikal yang boleh dilihat dalam proses penuaan ....

1. Rambut menipis dan beruban / Thin and grey hair
2. Kulit menipis dan kurang anjal / skin thin and becomes less elastic
3. Kulit kelihatan kering, berkedut, kendur , kusam dan s terdapat garis2 halus /
    Appearance of dryer skin, wrinkles and fine lines.
4. Tenaga berkurangan / Energy level often declines.
5. lemak dalam tubuh bertambah dan kehilangan otot di mana gejala ini akan   
    menyukarkan dalam mengekalkan berat yang ideal. / Increase in body fat
    and lose lean muscle. leading to increased difficulty in maintaining a healthy

Penuaan Manusia berkait rapat dengan perubahan2 fisiologi dan pelbagai aspek yang bukan hanya terhad kepada fungsi-fungsi normal yang merosot namun ianya terdedah kepada pelbagai bentuk penyakit. Dalam meningkatan usia seseorang, proses penyembuhan menjadi sangat perlahan....

Next ..../ Penyakit yang berpunca dari penuaan.. (age related disorder)


Diet Recipes for 7 days

Akak tengok ramailah pulak visitor tenggok menu niet sihat seminggu tu.. so akak nak kongsi lagi lah menu pilihan untuk seminggu ..





So... There you go.. A selection of your 1 week healthy diet inspiration...

Hope you like it..


Friday 23 November 2012

Sugar in your Fruit

We're meant to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day - ideally two of fruit and three of veg. But depending on your choice, you may be consuming more fructose - or fruit sugar - than you thought.
All values are for one piece of fruit, unless specified, and the figures in brackets show the equivalent amount of sugar. 

  • Apricot 0.45g fructose (pinch of sugar)
  • Clementine 0.5g (pinch) 
  • Plum 1.6g (large pinch)
  • Fresh fig 2g (1/2tsp) 

  • Eight cherries 2.4g (1/2 tsp) 1 slice honeydew melon 3g (over 1/2 tsp)
  • Kiwi fruit 3g (over 1/2 tsp)
  • Orange 3.6g (over 1/2 tsp)
  • Five strawberries 4g (1 tsp)
  • Glass of orange juice 5g (1 tsp) 

  • Banana 5.5g (1 tsp)
  • Small mango 6g (1 tsp) 
  • Grapefruit 7g (1 1/2 tsp) 

So.. You are in for a suprise!!!!
