Tuesday 29 January 2013

Shaklee Water Filter

Get Clean® Water merupakan sistem penurasan air multipaten baru yang menghasilkan air yang lebih sihat. Berbanding dengan jag air yang lain, Get Clean®Water menggunakan sebatang blok karbon padu untuk membersihkan air anda serta mengurangkan bahan-bahan cemar yang sukar disingkirkan termasuklah kandungan plumbum sehingga 99%. Get Clean® Water merupakan sistem penuras jag air pertama yang menggunakan blok-karbon yang boleh diisi semula. Jadi, kuranglah botol plastik yang perlu dibuang. Ia juga berupaya menuras 303 liter (80 gelen) air bagi setiap turasan.

Kita perlukan air untuk..

Jadinye.. untuk memastikan yang kita minum air yang bersih dan selamat adalah amat penting sebab 70% daripada badan kita adalah air.. Cubalah bayangkan kalau air yang kita minum nie tercemar..
terumata kalau kandungan air kita mengandungi lead..

Inilah apa yang terkandung dalam minuman kita yang kita dok teguk tu.. Ya Rabbi.. mengelikan sungguh... sanggup ker nak telan..
Analisa di bawah menunjukkan apa yang kita dapat daripada pasaran..

Apa yang Shaklee boleh bagi pada anda...

Dan berbanding dengan water filter yang lain.. Shaklee adalah lebih murah.. so apa kata order sekarang..

Call akak untuk order ya..


Monday 28 January 2013

Healing Crisis

Jom baca soalan2 Yang Berkaitan tentang ini .... buat rujukan dan bimbingan ..

Sunday 27 January 2013


Tubuh kita memerlukan beberapa vitamin dan mineral untuk mengekalkan sistem saraf kita. Sistem saraflah yang bertanggungjawap kepada terjadinya sakit kepala atau migrain. Menurut kajian yang telah dibuat oleh pakar2 saraf  Riboflavin dan B-6,  beserta dengan vitamin D and magnesium,  dapat menggurangkan kekerapan berlakunya migrain. 

Jika anda mengalami masalah migrain sila dapatkan vitamin atau multivitamin yang mengandungi nutrien berikut:-

Buah dan Kalori,....

Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran sentiasa dianggap sebagai kumpulan makanan sihat . Pengetahuan konvensional memberitahu kita bahawa mereka adalah sumber yang baik vitamin, mineral dan bahan-bahan yang membolehkan kita untuk memastikan sistem imun kita dan dapat melindungi kita daripada penyakit kronik. Kebanyakan orang menyedari kebenaran ini, tetapi fruitarians dan vegetarian dan mereka yang berada di diet drastik cenderung untuk mengunyah pada buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran macam tiada esok bagi mu. Makan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran adalah lebih baik daripada menguyah kentang goreng dan biskut, tetapi kalau dah terlalu banyak tak adalah eloknye. Ingat, terdapat kalori dalam sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan juga.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Minuman bergas dan kesihatan

Pensyarah Kanan Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Dr Chin Yit Siew, berkata pengambilan berlebihan minuman bertenaga boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit antaranya kencing manis dan obesiti.
Sehubungan itu, beliau berharap ibu bapa atau penjaga melarang anak mereka mengambil minuman berkenaan bagi mengelak kesihatan mereka terjejas.
“Setiap jenama minuman berkarbonat atau minuman bertenaga mempunyai kadar gula yang berbeza, dengan ada pada tahap rendah dan tinggi. 

Kandungan gula dalam setiap tin minuman bertenaga ialah 6.8 gram bagi setiap 325 mililiter. Bagaimanapun, jumlah kandungan gula dalam setiap tin minuman berkarbonat 325 mililiter ialah 11 gram. Sementara itu, Pengarah Komunikasi Gabungan Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (FOMCA), Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman mendakwa sehingga kini tidak ada sebarang ketetapan daripada Kementerian Kesihatan mahupun Kementerian Pelajaran mengenai larangan menjual minuman berkarbonat jenama minuman bertenaga. 

Perlu tenaga untuk bersukan/ kepenatan/ mengantuk??? tukar kepada 
Shaklee Performance...

Kurus Sihat

Untuk kurus kita perlukan motivasi dan keinginan. Sebab tulah akak ada subscribe beberapa blog untuk nak baca pandangan-pandangan dan tip-tip yang berguna bagi usaha menguruskan badan nie.. Percayalah tak mudah nak kurus dan kekal kurus... akak paling tak mahu kurus sementara. YOYO diet... macam makan biskut Now you Thin... Oppps Now you are FAT!! what???? Tak makan jer ubat dia, shake dia.. bum bum bom.. naik balik..

Just nak cerita lah.. akak dengan akak pada akak (ok akak refer dia as kak ndak) nie berdua berusaha untuk kurus.  Kak Ndak nie ambik produk... dan memang gigih follow diet yang company nie dah suruh dia buat.. Mak aiiii 2 bulan kak ndak memang kurus siut!!! wow terpegun sekejap.. tapi bukanlah nak kat kata apa muka dia tak bermaya dan tak berseri.and now dia stop.. ehhhh dah naik balik..

Monday 14 January 2013

Finn Hospitalised

Sedih sangat rasanye.. last Sunday masa pagi tu tengok Finn dah macam tak tentu arah ajer.. Iqa dukung dia bawak naik atas, tapi tengok Finn macam mengah-mengah jer. Tak tahu lagi apa masalah dia. tapi perasan dia macam tak sihat jer...

Lepas tu tengok dia pergi litter Box dia.. Tengok tak ada apa yang keluar.. lepas tu tengok Finn macam dah mengiggil. macam sakit sangat.. Dia masuk litter box lebih dari 6 kali tapi tak ada apa2 gak..So lepas makan tu decide nak bawak dia pergi Vet. samapi Vet, Dr check and terus cakap nie dah kes emergency sebab dia tak boleh kencing dan kena hospitalised..

Laaaa ye ke..Iqa dah menangis macam ke hapa dah... Semalam pergi tengok dia.. kesiannye lah. Tapi alhamdulillah semua dah settle . Cuma dia masih kecing berdarah sebab procedure yang Dr buat dan masih di tahan beberapa hari.. Tengok dia sedih sangat dengan tiub segala...

Finn kena pakai kolar sebab takut nanti dia cabut tiub dekat kaki dia..

Muga-muga Finn cepatlah  sembuh.. hari nie nak pergi melawat dia lagi..

Luv u Finn


Sunday 13 January 2013

Sakit Belakang - Back Pain

Baru- baru nie akak berjumpa dengan rakan lama dan kawan nie agak terkejut melihat akak.. Mungkin sebab akak dah kurus banyak kot.. HiHi seronok kena pujilah hari tu.. Tapi soalan yang paling dia nak jawapan ialah bagaimana dengan belakang akak.

Ni gambar akak dulu, (macam yang kat atas tu lah)..

Akak memang mengalami masalah sakit belakang yang agak kronik. Doktor kata 'Nerve Entrapment'. Macam-macam rawatan yang akak dah buat.. dari tradisional dengan berurut, physiotherapy, acupuncture dan yang paling teruk dengan sutikan steroid terus ke tulang belakang. Akak dah makan pain killer agaknye kalau dikumpulkan mahu satu tin milo yang besar tu kot.. ya lah 2 biji setiap malam selama lebih 10 tahun...


"Nerve entrapment is when a nerve is caught or pinched by the soft tissues. For example, the sciatic nerve (the largest nerve in the body) runs down through the buttocks and can become entrapped by the piriformis muscle when that muscle is very tight. This can result in pain down the back of the leg and is commonly referred to as piriformis syndrome."

So dengan kata mudah nye, urat dekat bahagian belakang nie lekat dekat bahagian tulang belakang yang berdekatan dengan punggung kita. Bila urat nie lekat, otot2 belakang akan membengkak dan kesakitan dia akan terus sampai kekaki. Kadang2 mengakibatkan kebas dan "shooting pain" yang amat sakit pada bahagian betis.. So malam2 selalu tak boleh tidur..sakit dik oiii..

Ni gambar nerve entrapment tu..

pengalamanye memang amat tak menyeronokkan. Akibat steroid yang dicucuk, badan akak pun macam ler dipam-pam naiknye.... itu tak termasuk lagi masalah hormon segala....

Tapi Alhamdulillahlah akak diperkenalkan dengan Shaklee pada bulan Mac tahun lepas 2012... Akak pun teruslah ambik full set supplement Shaklee nie, especially Vivix, Vit C, Vita Lea, Joint Health , B Comp dan favorite akak Ostematrik...

Semenjak Mac tu jugaklah akak stop mengambil pain killer dan memulakan diet sihat untuk menguruskan berat badan dengan Cinch..

Hasilnye ...

Bukan sahaja belakang akak alhamdulillah dah sembuh.. Kadang-kadang kalau angkat berat tu still terasa jugak,, tapi berat akak pun dah turun.. Inshaallah kot lepas nie tak payahlah nak telan lagi pain killer..

Setakat hari nie since Mac 2012 tak pecah rekod lagi ler......


Saturday 12 January 2013

Heath Challenge - ESP

According to a recent survey, 87% of consumers are changing their eating habits due to specific health concerns such as heart health and dietary cholesterol intake. Heart disease continues to be the number one killer in the U.S. Twenty-five grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of Instant Protein Soy Mix provides 16 grams of soy protein. 

Shaklee offers the very best, high quality and biologically complete soy protein with less than 1 gram of carbohydrate per serving. Instant Soy Protein Mix is extraordinary versatile, allowing you to enjoy the health benefits of soy in a number of different ways: Mix it in drinks, or cook and bake with it. The soy we use is produced under an Identity Preserved program (IPP), which tightly monitors and controlls from planting through harvesting and processing certifying that the soy is non-genetically modified (non-GMO). 


  • High in protein: 16 grams of soy protein per serving with less than 1 gram of carbohydrate
  • Uses only IPP certified non-GMO soy protein
  • Great for drinks, cooking, and baking
  • Retains nutrient benefits of soy isoflavones, amino acids, and minerals during cooking and baking
  • Naturally cholesterol-and lactose-free
  • Provides all the amino acids, including the nine essential ones your body needs but can’t manufacture itself
  • High in calcium
  • Naturally low in fat (healthy fat delivered by soy lecithin and soy beans themselves)
  • Provides the equivalent of 1.5 lecithin capsules per serving
  • Halal certified
58 million people who are concerned about heart health
People interested in replacing some or all of the typically high-fat, high-cholesterol animal sources of protein in their diet with a plant-based protein source that is and naturally low in fat cholesterol-and lactose-free
Vegetarians or vegans looking for high-quality protein sources that contain no animal products
Individuals seeking a high-protein soy product that delivers less than 1 gram of carbohydrate per serving and is highly versatile in drinks, cooking, and baking Those desiring to reduce their carbohydrate intake People with diabetes who, on the advice of their physicians, find that Instant Protein Soy Mix has a natural place in their diabetic diet

Each serving of Shaklee Instant Protein Soy Mix provides the most protein (16 grams) and the least carbohydrate of all the Shaklee soy protein products available ! Less than one gram of carbohydrate! In addition, it can be enjoyed in drinks or used in cooking and baking. This product helps maintain normal glycemic response and prevents sharp spikes and plummets in blood sugar level. Reference the graph at the right, which depicts the effects our soy has on the body’s blood sugar level.
  • Highest-rated protein quality from IPP-certified,
  • non-GMO soy protein
  • Natural vegetarian protein source
  • Naturally cholesterol free
  • No saturated fat
  • Naturally lactose free
  • 35% of your daily needs for calcium
  • All the amino acids, including the nine essential ones your body needs but can’t manufacture itself
  • HALAL certified
  • Water-processed to retain naturally occurring isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein (unlike some alcohol-processed soy protein products)
  • By retaining the isoflavones, positive health effects are delivered through the phytochemical compounds of the isoflavones
  • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors, or preservatives added 

For Those who intend to lose those extra weight,  ESP is good start for your breakfast.. TRY to BELIEVE IT !!!


Energizing Soy Protein (ESP)

Shaklee Difference:    
Shaklee was the first company to create a soy-based protein supplement. In fact, the first soy isolate ever created was developed by Dr Shaklee in the early 1970s. Over the years, clinical trials has proven what Dr Shaklee knew back then-soy protein is a key building block to maintaining good health.  Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein has been recognised worldwide with most extensive clinical studies carried out on the product and the highest quality of protein made out of plant.  It contains only non-GMO (non-Genetically Modified Organism) soybeans which are processed under low temperature.  Moreover, each 850g tin of Energizing Soy Protein is derived from 25 kg of soybeans and it is an instant energy booster that last for hours.
Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein contains 22 types of amino acids and it is the only product in the market that guarantees providing 9 essential amino acids which cannot be produced by human body.  It is suitable for all ages – young and old. The protein of soybean is twice of meat, 4 times of egg, 12 times of milk, low in fat, no cholesterol, no uric acid and easier absorbs by the body.

Low GI
55 and under
Medium GI
                           55 to 69
High GI
70 and above

Did you know?
The glycemic index ranks carbohydrates based on their impact on blood sugar level. Carbohydrates that break down quickly have the highest glycemic indices (G.I) while those with a low G.I break down sugar slowly, releasing glucose into the system. Keeping blood sugar levels low is important to weight loss and long term health.

Some soy proteins are alcohol processed, which not only removes the beneficial isoflavones, but also creates cross contamination with the chemicals used to process it. Shaklee energizing soy protein is water-washed to retain those critical isoflavones  genistein & daidzein & provide you with the whole goodness of soy

Key Benefits:
  • Stay Youthful  Amino acids make human’s muscles, nails, hair, blood, organs, skin, glands, 50,000 types of protein, 20,000 types of enzymes etc.  Regular consumption of Energizing Soy Protein is the key to maintain youthful skin and muscles and keep us energetic.
  • Natural Plant Based Hormone  Soy bean is the only plant rich in isoflavones which is similar to the functions of women’s hormones.  It helps in reducing cholesterol level and preventing osteoporosis and heart disease.
  • Improves Men’s Prostate  Genistein in soy bean has been proven that it has the ability to suppress the growth and prevent cancer cells from spreading.  It destroys free radicals in our cells before free radicals mutate cells’ DNA into cancer cells.  It also improves uterus and ovary, menopause and prostate enlargement.
  • Radiant Skin Supple Muscles  Stimulates regeneration of skin and muscles, improves wrinkles, anti-ageing, restore the skin radiance and muscles suppleness, thus accelerate wound recovery and minimize scar. 
  • Instant Energy Booster  Provides energy instantly and enhances immune system, thus improves lethargy, migraine, insomnia and stress related symptoms such as depression, anxiety, nervousness etc.
  • Improves Pigmentation  Improves grey-haired, hair loss, hair condition problems, pigmentation, freckles, age spot
  • Improves Memory  Improves memory, vitality, sexual ability, responsiveness etc.

The Importance Of Protein
Protein is the key ingredient in forming various organs and tissues in our body as well as the major component of our body’s hormones.  It also regulates physiological functions.  Therefore, every parts of our body need protein.  Protein deficiency will lead to poor immune system to counter disease, unable to excrete excess water in the body which caused swelling of body, loss of muscles suppleness, change of hair colour, stagnant growth, indigestion, unable to produce blood and hormones and lastly, organs malfunction which eventually lead to death.

What Is Amino acids?
Protein is a collective term for more than 20 types of amino acids.  Amino acids are arranged like alphabets; different type of amino acids is arranged to form different type of protein.  These amino acids will be rearranged according to the needs to form the required protein and enzymes.

Certain amino acids in our liver can be converted from other type of amino acids.  These are known as non-essential amino acids However, certain amino acids cannot be formed by the liver itself but can only be acquired from food which is also known as essential amino acids.

This product is produced from non-GMO soy beans by using the unique IPP (Identity Preserved Program) procedures which ensures that soybeans are free from exposure to genetically modified soybeans.  Strict quality controls are imposed on the soy beans from planting to production.

2 – 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons each time (empty stomach)
(mix with Meal shake and Performance

 Its low glycemic indices (G.I.) also made it suitable for diabetic patients.

Friday 11 January 2013

Nak Mengandung???

Dah lama kahwin tapi sayang..anak masih tak ada. Rezeki belum sampai  dan Inshaallah sampai waktunye nanti adalah tu..

Tapi itu tak menghalang kita dari berusaha. Berusaha dan terus berusaha..

Dalam produk Shaklee kami juga akan cuba membantu semampu yang boleh. Tapi kita merancang, Allah yang menentukan..

Antara penyebab biologi sukar hamil di kalangan wanita:
  • Tiub fallopian tersumbat
  • Endometriosis
  • Mempunyai hormon prolaktin yang tinggi (prolaktin ialah hormon penghasilan susu yang mengganggu penghasilan telur)
  • Menghidap PCOS (mempunyai hormon kelelakian yang tinggi menyebabkan telur tidak matang)
  • Masalah hormon
  • Tumor pituitari yang mengganggu penghasilan telur
  • Menopous sebelum waktunya
  • Masalah tiroid
  • Fibroid
Penyebab biologi di kalangan lelaki:
  • Jangkitan kuman atau penyakit yang dihidapi sewaktu kecil yang merencatkan sistem pembiakan
  • Jangkitan kuman akibat penyakit kelamin dari hubungan seksual
  • Menghidap azoopsermia iaitu testis yang tidak berfungsi untuk menghasilkan sperma
  • Menghidap hernia
  • Gangguan hormon
  • Salur sperma tersumbat
  • Mati pucuk, lemah tenaga batin, dsb
Penyebab2 dari faktor luaran (lelaki dan wanita)
  • Hubungan seksual di luar waktu kesuburan
  • Stress dan tekanan
  • Pemakanan yang tidak sihat
  • Kekurangan zat
  • Amalan merokok atau meminum alkohol
  • Mengambil terlalu banyak ubat-ubatan (drug)
  • Terdedah kepada pencemaran
  • Terlalu kurus atau terlalu gemuk
Bagi penyebab biologi, anda suami isteri dinasihatkan mendapat khidmat pakar dalam bidang reproduktif, agar masalah anda berdua dapat diselesaikan secara medikal.
Sekiranya anda berdua tiada masalah biologi, bermakna peluang untuk anda cepat dapat anak adalah cerah. Namun, anda mesti bersedia untuk mengubah cara hidup anda.

Bersenam bukan sahaja menyihatkan badan, malah memberi kesegaran minda. Badan yang sihat dan minda yang tenang menurunkan paras stress dan meningkatkan hormon kesuburan anda.


Mungkin kita tidak dapat lari dari pencemaran, terutama pencemaran udara. Anda boleh menghentikan diri dan keluarga dari menjadi punca dan mangsa pencemaran dengan mengamalkan ‘green-living’. Setidak-tidaknya dengan berhenti merokok


Kesuburan boleh ditingkatkan dengan pengambilan supplement berikut:

Vita-Lea - kesuburan wanita banyak dipengaruhi oleh vitamin A. Jadi untuk cepat dapat anak, seorang wanita (lelaki juga) harus melengkapkan diri dengan mengambil multivitamin dan multimineral. Kenapa kena ambil multi? Kerana ia membekalkan vitamin dan mineral perlu dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, bagi memastikan kesihatan berada di tahap optimum.
Mangan dan magnesium di dalam Vita-Lea membantu ereksi bagi lelaki.

B Complex – Vitamin2 B3, B6 dan B12 memainkan peranan penting dalam memulihkan tenaga (menukar makanan kepada tenaga). Penting bagi mereka yang hidup dalam keadaan sibuk, selepas kerja di pejabat yang memenatkan, anda memerlukan tenaga untuk bersama dengan suami/isteri.
Vitamin B12 juga berperanan dalam memperbanyakkan sperma

         Vita C - Sebagai vitamin yang menjaga kesegahan sel, vitamin C juga berfungsi   
          menghasilkan sel sperma yang sihat. Sperma yang tidak sihat, lembik, lembab… 
          akan menghadapi masalah untuk bersenyawa dengan sel ovum.

       Vita E & Selenium - bekerja bersama2 dengan vitamin C sebagai anti oksidan. 
       Radikal bebas dalam tubuh mampu merosakkan sperma dan ovum. Jadi bagi 
       menjaga kualiti sperma, seseorang lelaki harus mengambil vitamin E dalam kadar 
       yang mencukupi. Selenium lengkap dalam Vita E Shaklee, untuk membantu 
       pergerakan sperma agar lebih tangkas dan bergaya.

Omega Guard – Omega 3 dan Omega 6 meningkatkan kelicinan pergerakan sperma bagi memudahkan persenyawaan.

                 Zinc - meningkatkan hormon testosteron dan bilangan sperma.

                Alfalfa – membantu mengatur pusingan haid, masalah keputihan dan 
                masalah kewanitaan.


Untuk Suami : Set A (vitalea+b complex+vita C) bersama Vita-E dan Zinc
Untuk Isteri : Set A (vitalea+b complex+vita C) atau Set B (vitalea+b complex+vita C+alfalfa) bersama vita-E

Kita hanya mampu berusaha Tuhan yang menentukan... INSHAALLAH!!!


Tuesday 8 January 2013

Your Joint

Facts you Should know about Joint and why you need to take care of them.

Every Men/Women have 360 joints..
A'ishah (A.S.) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:
"Everyone has been created with three hundred and sixty Joints. Whoever mentions Allah's greatness (says Allahu Akbar), praises Allah, extols Allah, and seeks forgiveness from Allah and removes stones from the path of the people, enjoins what is good and forbids the evil to the amount of those three hundred and sixty joints (sulama), he walks on that Day (of Judgment) having distanced himself from the Hell fire."
Abu Dharr (A.S.) narrated "the Prophet said (PBUH):
"In every morning there is a charitable act on the joints of any of you. Every tasbihah (to say: subhanallah, i.e. Glory be to Allah) is a charitable act; every tahmidah (to say: al-hamdu lillah, i.e. Praise be to Allah) is a charitable act, every tahlilah (to say: la ilaha illallah, i.e. There is none worthy of worship but Allah) is a charitable act; every takbirah (to say: Allahu akbar, i.e. Allah is the Greatest) is a charitable act; enjoining the right is a charitable act; forbidding the evil is a charitable act. However, to fulfill that charity, it is sufficient to pray two rak'at of Duha."
In his book titled, "The Journey of Faith inside the Human Body", Dr.Hamid Ahmed Hamid mentioned that the total number of the human body joints is exactly 360, as the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) stated 1400 years ago. According to Dr. Hamid, the details of these bones are as follows:
Joints in the human body
First: 147 joints in the vertebral column
25 joints between the vertebrae.
72 joints between the vertebrae and the ribs.

Second: 24 joints in the thorax
2 joints between the bones of the sternum and the thoracic cage.
18 joints between the sternum and the ribs.
2 joints between the clavicle and the scapulae (shoulder blade).
2 joints between the scapulae and the thorax
Third: 86 joints in the upper extremity
2 joints between the scapular bones.
6 joints between the elbows.
8 joints between the wrists.
70 joints between the hand bones.

Fourth: 92 joints in the lower extremity
2 hip joints.
6 joints between the knee bones.
6 joints between the ankles.
74 joints between the feet bones.

Fifth: 11 joints in the Pelvis
4 joints between the coccyx vertebrae.
6 joints between the bones acetabulm.
1 joint of the pubic sumphysis.

Total number of joints: 360

That is why you need to take care of your joint..It keep you movving without making the creepy sound... hehe