Every Men/Women have 360 joints..
A'ishah (A.S.) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:
has been created with three hundred and sixty Joints. Whoever mentions
Allah's greatness (says Allahu Akbar), praises Allah, extols Allah, and
seeks forgiveness from Allah and removes stones from the path of the
people, enjoins what is good and forbids the evil to the amount of those
three hundred and sixty joints (sulama), he walks on that Day (of
Judgment) having distanced himself from the Hell fire."
Abu Dharr (A.S.) narrated "the Prophet said (PBUH):
every morning there is a charitable act on the joints of any of you.
Every tasbihah (to say: subhanallah, i.e. Glory be to Allah) is a
charitable act; every tahmidah (to say: al-hamdu lillah, i.e. Praise be
to Allah) is a charitable act, every tahlilah (to say: la ilaha
illallah, i.e. There is none worthy of worship but Allah) is a
charitable act; every takbirah (to say: Allahu akbar, i.e. Allah is the
Greatest) is a charitable act; enjoining the right is a charitable act;
forbidding the evil is a charitable act. However, to fulfill that
charity, it is sufficient to pray two rak'at of Duha."
his book titled, "The Journey of Faith inside the Human Body", Dr.Hamid
Ahmed Hamid mentioned that the total number of the human body joints is
exactly 360, as the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) stated 1400 years ago.
According to Dr. Hamid, the details of these bones are as follows:
Joints in the human body
First: 147 joints in the vertebral column
25 joints between the vertebrae.
72 joints between the vertebrae and the ribs.
Second: 24 joints in the thorax
2 joints between the bones of the sternum and the thoracic cage.
18 joints between the sternum and the ribs.
2 joints between the clavicle and the scapulae (shoulder blade).
2 joints between the scapulae and the thorax
Third: 86 joints in the upper extremity
2 joints between the scapular bones.
6 joints between the elbows.
8 joints between the wrists.
70 joints between the hand bones.
Fourth: 92 joints in the lower extremity
2 hip joints.
6 joints between the knee bones.
6 joints between the ankles.
74 joints between the feet bones.
Fifth: 11 joints in the Pelvis
4 joints between the coccyx vertebrae.
6 joints between the bones acetabulm.
1 joint of the pubic sumphysis.
Total number of joints: 360
That is why you need to take care of your joint..It keep you movving without making the creepy sound... hehe
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