Sunday 29 July 2012

Fluid Weight Loss

Would you lose weight if you stopped eating solid foods for approximately 2-3 weeks and just drank a lot of water and Gatorade type drinks?

Of course.

This type of diet is typical of fasting/famine and would most assuredly result in weight loss. The weight a person lost in this manner would be predominately excess fluids, "water weight", not fat and would be the first thing gained back when a normal way of eating was resumed. If someone continued a diet as described, they would next lose muscle mass.

Muscle is what burns the majority of calories. The other thing this process would do is slow down a person's metobolism, which is the rate at which they burn fat, think, move (and other things as well). A slow metabolism would not only eventually stop all weight loss, no matter how few calories were consumed, but would also cause a large weight gain once normal eating was reestablished. (think Oprah in the early 90's)

Building, enlarging and increasing muscle mass, which in turn needs more fuel (calories), is the best way to lose fat over time. Eating well, eating often and building muscle mass speeds up a person's metabolism, which allows them to convert stored fat into muscle (which is smaller), and have more energy (amount of calories burned). These are some of the reasons that a fast, fad diet is not recommended and sensible long-range weight management is the best method of actually achieving permanent weight loss.

And losing muscle mass is what you do NOT want to happen. Ever heard of Leucine? It is proven to help your body retain muscle mass. Shaklee has introduced a new program that is "powered by Leucine."
"What is leucine?"
Leucine is an essential amino acid. It's also what we call a "branched chain" amino acid, a term that refers to its chemical structure.Leucine has been used by bodybuilders for years to increase muscle mass when they are working out.

It has just been in the last few years that evidence started to accumulate that leucine can also help preserve muscle mass when people are losing weight.

This research was spearheaded by Dr. D.K. Layman and colleagues at the University of Illinois.
Their early studies showed that leucine stimulates the synthesis of new protein in the muscle, suppresses appetite and results in better blood sugar control. Dr. Layman had discovered in preliminary studies that leucine was most effective in preserving muscle mass when the carbohydrate to protein ratio was 1.5:1 (For comparison, current dietary guidelines recommend a carbohydrate to protein ration of 3.5:1, and that is the formula most weight loss diets follow).

if you want to rely on exercise to preserve muscle mass on a standard weight loss diet, it really has to be high intensity, resistance exercise.In contrast exercise was much more effective in preserving muscle mass in the high leucine - high protein group (4% loss of muscle mass with exercise compared to 11% loss of muscle mass without exercise).

The bottom line is that weight loss diets providing around 10 g of leucine/day coupled with a 1.5:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein are more effective at preserving muscle mass than the kind of weight loss diet that most people follow.

How Cinch Shaklee help you to loose weight while maintaining your muscle???

... to be continue/-

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