Sunday 8 July 2012

How to build muscle .... continue/-

Semalam kita dah berbincang tentang bentuk exercise yang perlu untuk membina otot badan dan hari ini kita akan bercerita dengan lebih mendalam mengenai cara pemakanan yang diperlukan .

6 Get Recovery. Pro athletes bersenam  5-6 kali seminggu. Tapi mereka nie bukan terus-terus buat macam tu . They added workouts as they got stronger & bigger. You'll overtrain if you jump into their routines. As a beginner you need more recovery.
  • Rehat. Otot membesar apabila kita berehat, bukan semasa you workout. Mulakan dengan 3 full body workouts seminggu dan focus on intensity, not gym time.
  • Tidur. Growth hormone dibebaskan semasa kita tidur, membentuk otot. Cuba untuk tidur 7 - 8 jam sehari.. Nap post workout if your lifestyle allows.
  • Minum banyak Air. Avoids dehydration and helps muscle recovery. Minum 2 cawan air setiap kali makan dan sentiasa minum air semasa  workout.
  • Eat. "Eat like a horse. Sleep like a baby. Grow like a weed". Your training is useless if you don't eat enough calories for recovery.

7. Eat Whole Foods.
You'll achieve a lower body fat, so the muscles you've built show better. And the vitamin & mineral content helps recovery. Stop eating food coming from a box. Eat whole foods 90% of the time.
  • Proteins. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, ...
  • Carbs. Brown rice, oats, whole grain pasta, quinoa, ...
  • Veggies. bayam, brokoli, tomato, salad, karot, ...
  • Fruits. Banana, orange, apple, nenas, peers, ...
  • Fats. Minyak zaitun, minyak ikan, real butter, kekacang,  flax seeds, ...

8. Eat More.
Training is more important than diet for muscle building. But you do need to give your body the food it needs for optimal recovery. Most guys don't eat enough, you got to eat more to build muscle.
  • Eat Breakfast. Get calories from the first hour. Read how to build the habit of eating breakfast. T
  • Eat Post Workout. Get proteins and carbs post workout to help muscle recovery and replenish your energy stores.
  • Eat Every 3 Hours. 6 meals/day. Gives your muscles a steady intake of protein, speeds up muscle repair & recovery, boosts your metabolism.
  • Eat BW in lbs x 18kcal. Track your daily calorie intake using FitDay. You need at least your body-weight in lbs x 18kcal to maintain weight.

9. Gain Weight.
You'll never look muscular weighing 140lbs at 6". No matter how much training you do. . Here's the most important part.
  • Eat Calorie Dense Foods. 100g raw spinach is 25kcals. But 100g raw rice is 380kcals. Eat pasta, oats, olive oil, mixed nuts, etc.
  • Get Stronger. Increase your Squat to at least 300lbs. Muscle size is directly related with strength gains. You got to get stronger to build muscle.
  • Drink Whole Milk. If you don’t bother gaining some fat, drink 1 gallon whole milk daily on top of your current food intake. You can gain 25lbs in 1 month if you combine this with 3 weekly Squat sessions.

10. Get Protein.
Proteins have the highest thermic effect. You need 1g protein per pound of body-weight daily to build & maintain muscle. That’s 160g of daily protein if you weigh 160lbs/72kg. Eat whole proteins with each meal.
  • Red Meat. Ground round, steaks, deer, buffalo, …
  • Poultry. Chicken breast, whole chicken, turkey, duck, …
  • Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, …
  • Eggs. Eat the yolk, it's full of vitamins.
  • Dairy. Milk, cottage cheese, , yogurt,  …
If you weigh 160lbs: 1 can of tuna at lunch, 300g quark as snack, 300g meat at dinner and 500ml milk through the day gets you 160g protein. Read also how to get your daily protein when you're a vegeterian/vegan.

Get stronger, track progress and persist until you've built the muscles you want. You'll see the biggest change in physique after following this method for 2 months.

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